AI~WHEEL... Menu Key
Details on User Parameters, Cog-Track Switches, and the Screen Display


----------- Main Menu -----------

Create a Custom Universe .UNV (c)
This will create a define-U.UNV file defining the IN/OUT-conditions and Laws of a new task universe.

Load a Universe from Disk .UNV (d)
Loads from disk an existing define-U.UNV file.

Load Intelligence from Disk .INT (u)
Loads from disk existing AI~WHEEL intelligence. This would be a records.INT file created by using the option below "Save Intelligence to Disk .INT (j)" to store accrued AI~WHEEL experience/intelligence.

Save Intelligence to Disk .INT (j)
Saves accrued AI~WHEEL experience/intelligence as a records.INT file.

Print Universe to Disk .txt (t)
This contains the same information as the define-U.UNV file, only it is displayed in text format for creator reference.

Print History to file .txt (f)
This contains the same information as the records.INT file, only it is displayed in text format for creator reference.

Sound Off (o) (s)
Sounds a corresponding musical note when processing flow display boxes are lit. (final free memory too low to run this in version1)

Back to Current universe (b)
Returns to current universe processing.

Suggest an Encounter (e)
The user will be offered an opportunity to suggest each of the IN-conditions specifics of the next event cycle. Entering a carriage return would indicate no suggestion for this IN-condition.

Suggest an Action (x)
The user will be offered an opportunity to suggest each of the OUT-conditions specifics of the next event cycle. Entering a carriage return would indicate no suggestion for this OUT-condition.

Force Link of UnEqual I/O Conds. (F)
This will force a link between specified IN and OUT conditions fields. The user will be prompted first enter the number of the IN-condition field to be associated, and then the number of the OUT-condition field. (Designed for fields with an equal number of particles.)

Hardware Limits Menu (h)
Accesses the Hardware Menu allowing changes in hardware parameters. Changes in these values during processing should be made only by experienced creators.

Set User Parameters (m)
Accesses the "User entry Parameters Menu", see below.

Select an AUTO Universe (optional)
1 cmpxlife.UNV 2 farmer.UNV 3 simplife.UNV
4 at-guard.UNV 5 roboship.UNV 6 easytest.UNV

Automatically begin one of six sample task universes.

Then select some intelligence. (optional)
1 cmpxlife.INT 2 farmer.INT 3 simplife.INT
4 at-guard.INT 5 roboship.INT 6 easytest.INT

Automatically loads one of six sample intellects.
These selections must be preceded by an above matching UNV.

Restarts the AI~WHEEL Program. Any unsaved information will be lost.

Quit ---------------------------- (q)
Exits the AI~WHEEL program.

This is the first screen the user will encounter. Inexperienced creators are encouraged to bypass these entries and proceed with default settings to the main menu (z). Experienced user may wish to designate these parameters. When doing so however, always add one "1" to the final value for each parameter when using the "Create a Custom Universe" option. (compensates for hardware overflow during the field entry)

(f) Event Record Limit
Designates the maximum number of event records possible in this universe.

(g) IN-Condition Limit
Designates the number of IN conditions in the given Universe.

(i) IN-Particle Limit
Designates the maximum number of particles for an In-condition field.

(h) OUT-Condition Limit
Designates the number of OUT-conditions in the given Universe

(j) OUT-Particle Limit
Designates the maximum number of particles for an OUT-condition field.

(k) Laws Hard Limit
Designates the maximum number of laws in this Universe.

--------- User entry Parameters Menu ---------
ON/OFF switches ON = 1 OFF = 0

(1) Last Law on Value Min.
Normally an AI~WHEEL event will be evaluated by considering every law (in the order that the creator has entered the laws into his custom universe). When this switch is on, any law which delivers a value greater than the user designated value of "(e) Minimum Value is" will cause an immediate end to laws evaluation; ie, no other laws will be consider or applied during the current AI~WHEEL event cycle.

(b) Last Law on Metamorphosis
Same as above, except a termination of law application is now triggered by any metamorphosis.

(d) Forced Act Limit
This forces the possible maximum number of OUT-condition combinations to be artificially limited to this number.

(e) Minimum Value is:
This is the minimal value that the entity will except as a successful reaction goal.

(8) Select Similes
When ON (1) AI~WHEEL will consider similar incoming conditions for similar action.

(x) Augment Duplicate Expr Need
When ON will produce a maximum number of experimental byproducts.

(5) Maximum Minimal Mutation
Designates which of the OUT-conditions fields will be mutated in a random resection of shaping action.
- To mutate the AI~WHEEL selection of the "most influential" OUT-condition, enter 8888
- To mutate the AI~WHEEL selection of the "least influential" OUT-conditions, enter 9999
- To dictate an OUT-condition to be mutated enter the number (n) of the OUT-condition.

(4) Choose ALL Particles @ Random
This forces ALL OUT-condition particles to be chosen at random during a random resection of shaping OUT action.

(p) Priority (+) Particles Only
When "1" AI~WHEEL will only consider (when calculating condition priority) events that yield value greater than the value of "(e) Minimum Value is:".
When "2" AI~WHEEL will only consider events that yield positive value in the calculation of condition priority.

(3) Use Condition Priority Out
When OFF, AI~WHEEL will not attempt to arrange OUT-conditions in order of global influence.

(r) In and Out Cond Pri
When ON, AI~WHEEL will calculate IN and OUT-conditions in order of global influence.

(t) Produce Similar Experiments
If ON the AI~WHEEL will produce a number (n) of experimental byproducts as a result a single metamorphosis event, when face with similar incoming condition; (n) will be equal to the maximum action limit.

(7) Auto Check For Equal Fields
This will check for and prepare to link equal IN-OUT Condition Fields.

(9) Always Link Like (=) Fields
When on will force a link between known like fields.

(6) Attempt Trys to Force Link
This indicates the maximum number of attempts that will be made to link equal fields in the event the suggestion is rejected by the AI~WHEEL routine that refusing to repeat a failed negative or valueless event.

(c) Force Link Between un= Conds
This will force a link (by particle number) between a designated IN and OUT condition field, whether the particles match or not. (the number of particles in the two condition fields should be equal)

(g) Produce Experimental Objects
If on the AI~WHEEL will produce a number (n) of experimental byproducts as a result a single metamorphosis event; (n) will be equal to the maximum action limit.

(j) Number of Laws
Indicates the number of laws in the given current universe.

(R) Experimental Production Rate
Indicates how often random experimental production will be forced.

(G) Record Value/Production Only
When on the AI~WHEEL will only make records of those events that produce positive value, specified negative value, or a byproduct.

(H) #1 Priority to Main Object
This forces the user-selected main or primary particle to be considered the most influential particle on the IN-conditions.

(I) Low Accepted Limit to Record
This designates the how negative value must to warrant making a record when the "(G) Record Value/Production Only" is ON.

(J) Closed (reCycled) Universe
When ON eliminates the selection of random incoming conditions and maintains these condition based on IN-conditions of the last event, updating any changes or metamorphosis.

(m) Entry Order Pri Deflt Release
If ON will allow other than priority particle defaults.

(K) Encounter a New Creation Next
When ON forces a newly produced object to be included in the next sequence of IN-conditions and thereby force the AI~WHEEL to consider this byproduct on the next event cycle.

(L) Expand Byproduct to All Cond.
If ON will consider all of the IN-condition fields when determining the byproducts of a cycle event. (this option incomplete in version 1)

(i) Soft Action Limit
Number of action (shaping) combination that will be tired in OUT-condition sequences.

(q) Cond Pri for Experimental Need
If ON will consider condition priority when designating experimental need.

(s) ReCompute Cond Pri Each Cycle
If ON AI~WHEEL will NOT recompute global condition priority after each record.

(u) Begin Using Cond Pri on Recd#
Indicates on which event record to begin considering condition priority as an influential factor in reactionary behavior.

(w) Don't Make Duplicate Records
When on prevents duplicate records from being recorded.

(2) Current Event Number
Indicates current event number.

(a) Dominate Manual Random Action
When ON forces dominate random reactionary behavior.

(n) Tic-Tac-Toe (option not complete in version 1.)

(0) Manual Random Rate
Sets rate % of "(a) Dominate Manual Random Rate"

(o) Rate of Random Action
Sets rate % of passive random action.

(A) Randomized Random Switches
Forces global random action of various types. (see "Display Key [top right]")

(B) Stop Randomizing RND Switches
Designates when to curtail "(A) Randomized Random Switches"

(C) Taper Random Rate w/Experience
This number will be compared with a random number selected from between 1 and the number of event records currently on file. If taper-rate is larger, this will trigger random behavior.

(D) Float w/Event # Random Rate
When ON will taper random action with experience according to "Taper Random Rate w/Experience".

(y) Open Brain Surgery
Allows the user to view and alter the program instruction of the AI~WHEEL during a pause in the processing experience. (F5 "z" to return to Main Menu, F8 to execute the next single instruction)

User/Creator Options During Processing
During the event processing display the user/creator has the following keyboard options:

(z) Pauses processing and brings up Main Menu.
(p) Pauses processing after each event. Pressing [enter] will cause one event to be processed.
(a) Returns from "(p) pause" to automatic non-stop processing.
(t) Random Mode: (a toggle switch)
OFF "Explore" Generates default or specified random reactionary behavior.
ON "Perform" Suspends random experimentation for a conservative
direct access of any historic known valuable reaction.

Display Key
Line 1 ... IN condition priority raw figures.
Line 3-4 ... Record of value polarized event being considered as a simile.
Line 5-6 ... Record of experimental production event being considered as a simile.
Line 7 ... Current IN condition priorities are displayed.
Line 8 ... Current OUT condition priorities are displayed.
Line 11 ... OUT condition priority raw figures.
Line 13-4 ... Current Record Values.

[Top Right]
These switches are set randomly at the beginning of each event, when the "(A) Randomized Random Switches" is ON the AI~WHEEL will force global random action of varies types. (see below)

[RND stop record] "(B) Stop Randomizing RND Switches" designates when to curtail "(A) Randomized Random Switches"

These switches are indicated as ON or OFF. (1 or 0)
simVL (8) Select Similes
simXP (t) Produce Similar Experiments
DmRND (a) Dominate Manual Random Action
fpRND (4) Choose ALL Particles @ Random
ObjKy (H) Priority to Main Object

OMute This indicates an OUT-condition number that may have been single out for random mutation.

Blue, yellow, and red vertical lines on the processing flow display indicate various random selections of OUT-conditions.
The flow chart light display has not been updated in version 1 (since RAMBRAIN.bas). Therefor this display may not be completely accurate.

The remainder of the display is self-explanatory.

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